Sometimes it's a tough call for a photographer - use the natural light (also called 'available light') or get out the flash?
Natural light is best of course. After all, it's natural. But sometimes it's not particularly bright. Or it's coming from the wrong direction.
You may be able to compensate for the lack of brightness by opening up the aperture or using a slower shutter speed. But these options have their limits. Use too slow a shutter speed, for example, and you'll get a blurry picture, either because you can't hold the camera steady enough or because your subject is moving.
You can also increase the ISO rating - in other words, increase the sensitivity of the chip. But then you'll start getting 'noise' speckling your image.
I faced that problem yesterday. Friend and writer Pettina Gappah (author of the best-selling '
An Elegy for Easterly') gave a reading to the
Geneva Writers Group.
When Pettina had finished reading and was fielding questions I got out my camera to record the event. It was a difficult situation. The meeting was being held in a room with large glass windows
behind the speaker and the mid-day light was streaming in through them.
I gave it a go using the natural light ...

Then I tried using flash ...

Which works best?
The flash version certainly gives more even lighting (look at the figures in the background) but it has also brought out the 'junk' in the picture - the assorted audio equipment behind Pettina's head, for example. And it's thrown a shadow of her face on the wall behind her.
But ... why didn't I use 'bounce flash', i.e aiming the flash to reflect off the ceiling?
That would have solved the problem, but I couldn't. I was standing in a neighbouring room, behind some other members of the audience, and shooting through a doorway. If you're sitting near a door look at the way it is built into the wall and (unless the door goes all the way up to the ceiling) you'll see why bouncing the flash would not have worked.
The natural light option gives a better picture (in my opinion), It's the way the background is more muted, bringing out the subject, Pettina.
But it's a 'noisy' image. Here's an enlarged section of the door and wall from the background ...

So, there you go. It's 'swings and roundabouts (from a British saying - "What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts". In other words, it has as many advantages as disadvantages).
What would you have done? Which option do you think is best?